Brad Scott, Florida USA
An audiophile for over 35 years, Florida-based Brad Scott has been an aficionado of exceptional home theater systems for the past two decades. Alcons CRMS Cinema Reference Monitor System speakers were the only choice when his home theater was recently remodeled and upgraded.
Peter Montoulieu, proprietor of high-end home cinema design/installation company Cineramax, introduced Brad to Alcons pro-ribbon systems at the US InfoComm trade show several years ago. Brad was so impressed that the remodeling of his home theater included a brand new room, especially engineered to take advantage of Alcons exceptional sound.
“From my first listen, I knew that the Alcons pro-ribbons solution was the best I had heard. Subsequent listening sessions, and comparing to other speaker setups, only confirmed it,” he says.
Peter worked closely with Brad on the entire system design, alongside Alan Gouger for video / projection and Walter Fortmüller, who played a key part of the system’s design, implementation, configuration and calibration.
“From my first listen, I knew that the Alcons pro-ribbons solution was the best I had heard. Subsequent listening sessions, and comparing to other speaker setups, only confirmed it,”, Brad Scott
The system is fully 3D, comprising three Alcons CRMS mkII cinema reference monitor system, eight CRMS-SR reference surround and ten CRMSC-SRHV/90 compact horizontal/vertical reference surround, all powered by six Sentinel3 amplified loudspeaker controllers.
“Peter was invaluable. He introduced me to all the critical components in my system – Alcons pro-ribbon technology, Trinnov processors and the SIM2 HDR DUO projection system, as well as the 5D theater concept of 3D movie, 3D sound (Atmos, DTS:X, Auro 3D) and D-box cinematic motion,” says Brad. “He spent a lot of time on room treatment, speaker placement design and even worked with CINEAK designing the theater chairs.”
With a wine cellar and bar at the back, plus 32 feet of sliding hurricane glass doors that open to a panoramic lake and golf course view, the sound could have been compromised. But with such an expert team at work, this was never likely to be the case. Indeed, Brad’s room must be close to the ultimate for any home theater enthusiast.
“Being a multi-purpose space usually means cutting corners and making compromises. But, after final tuning, this system performed among the best dedicated and purpose built rooms I have ever done,” says Walter. “The biggest reward I could ask for was seeing the emotional impact the system had on him after I’d fine-tuned it.”
Brad is every bit as enthusiastic, highlighting that the Alcons CRMS pro-ribbon system has exceeded even his very high expectations.
“It’s the best audio system I’ve ever heard for both movies and music,” he says. “It has it all – dynamics, clarity, imaging, no distortion and it produces zero ear fatigue.”, Brad Scott
“It’s the best audio system I’ve ever heard for both movies and music,” he says. “It has it all – dynamics, clarity, imaging, no distortion and it produces zero ear fatigue. With the curtains drawn, the room sounds as good as any dedicated studio. Many with years in the industry who have heard it agree.”
“Brad is a very experienced and knowledgeable AV enthusiast,” Walter adds. “After fine tuning it, the biggest reward I could ask for was seeing the emotional impact the system had on him. The reward from seeing this long journey coming to fruition in such a way was exceptional.”
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